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August 11, 2008 Breaking News

Georgia Bride: Creative Dream Events Wedding Planning Blog

Mon, 11 Aug 2008 15:10:19 PDT
Articles written to help brides prepare and plan for their big wedding day. We focus on fashion, current trends, money saving tips, and planning ideas. We want your wedding day to be simply the dream day you have always imagined.

Dental Tourism Trends

Mon, 11 Aug 2008 08:05:43 PDT
No dental insurance? You can still get a perfect smile at a low cost with dental tourism.

rich colors for fall ...

Mon, 11 Aug 2008 11:16:35 PDT
those of us who are seasoned and frequent travelers find a single frustration in common above all: we want to incorporate seasonal trends into our carry on bags, but (1) it's expensive and impractical to buy a new travel wardrobe each season and (2) more bulky stuff defeats the purpose of trying to travel with just a carry on bag.

Body Hair Removal for Men Hits an All-Time High

Mon, 11 Aug 2008 07:38:27 PDT
With the summer solstice leaving us in its SPF30-soaked wake, the trends of summer have reared their seasonally covered hairy heads. Thankfully, this summer there are options to dismantle that socially-devastating bomb that is excessive male body hair.

Meghan McCain Photos, Wants To Be Paris Hilton

Mon, 11 Aug 2008 09:51:00 PDT
From recent trends in publicity, it seems presidential candidate John McCain’s daughter, Meghan McCain, is wanting to join the ‘naughty, party girl’ celebrity spotlight. Excellent timing, considering the current political landscape.

Cape Coral Library: You'll long to devour these short stories (The News-Press)

Fri, 08 Aug 2008 22:19:57 PDT
Short stories are always appealing, especially to those who don't have the time to read a full novel.

What do VIPs say about Global Warming?

Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:34:08 PDT is always breaking positive news, movies n songs around the world. You can watch n download free online videos tv programs. It even talks about global warming, supports us to adopt a pet like dogs from animal shelter.

Men in Tights? It’s Time for Mantyhose

Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:00:50 PDT
Men in Tights? It’s Time for Mantyhose The pictures are small because we want to protect you.Courtesy of CNNIt was only a matter of time, wasn't it? After all, men already came for our skirts, which we're trying to be fine with because, hey, easy access! Then they came for our eyeliner (or maybe that was just Pete Wentz?) and our girdles, and we started to sense that our territory was being encroached upon. Now they have co-opted our pantyhose. Why? For warmth, added support, and circulation

Scientologist Issac Hayes - Where is he now?

Mon, 11 Aug 2008 15:19:06 PDT
Scientologist Issac Hayes - Where is he now? Issac Hayes passed away this week which brings to mind a few pet issues of mine. First off just where do Scientologists go when the body stops. Do they go to the reasonable Heaven where streets of gold defy gravity and people with wings enjoy romp with their own personal set of 72 virgins? Looking it up on Google I found that Scientologists do not follow the standard logic and come back to life as other life forms. In fact L. Ron Hubbard himself

Britney Spears beats down the bikini trend

Mon, 11 Aug 2008 13:12:09 PDT
Britney Spears keeps stuffing her ass into new bikini’s in an attempt to get some paparazzi fame back. This is cool and all but knowing that she used to be a train wreck plumper takes away the appeal of the bikini from those who deserve it...

CBC, NBC take different approach toward Olympic coverage (The Globe and Mail)

Tue, 29 Jul 2008 18:07:40 PDT
American audience will get most of its fill during prime time only

Dental Tourism Trends

Mon, 11 Aug 2008 08:05:43 PDT
No dental insurance? You can still get a perfect smile at a low cost with dental tourism.

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