Scott's : Current News

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Current News for September 15, 2008 Debuts New“Happy and Upbeat News” Category

Mon, 16 Jan 2006 00:00:01 PST
WEST PALM BEACH, Florida (PRWEB) January 16, 2006 -- All Headline News Corp., a leading news and content syndicator, today announced the launch of its“Upbeat and Happy” News content and...

Designers Call Trend Watch

Mon, 15 Sep 2008 15:13:54 PDT
Our Trend Watch is focused on the pulse of the global design world at large, interpreted through the Storm Interiors & Designers Call aesthetic of progressive design layered with traditional sensibilities. We hope that our trend watch will keep you informed and get you inspired towards new design feats!

HIStalk Interviews Todd Park, athenahealth Co-Founder

Mon, 15 Sep 2008 16:21:15 PDT
I probably wouldn’t enjoy being Jonathan Bush’s athenahealth co-founder. JB is as magnetically drawn to a TV camera as a moth to a bug zapper and vice versa, so he’s always going to be seen as the company’s voice to outsiders. Todd Park doesn’t seem to mind too much, explaining that their original plan for the company called on them to use their respective strengths to build it successfully. They’re still best buds, it seems, sometimes wandering into man-crush territory with their unabashed get your nature fix- solar gadgets, organic prdts

Mon, 15 Sep 2008 02:28:47 PDT
Maati is a trend. The trend to go back to Nature- and be super cool. This trend has become a phenomenon in the past half a decade that Maati has been around. The phenomenon that does not just evangelize about the concept of natural products but actually make them easily available to the trendsetter generation.It is "everything nature cool" spec

Game news: Microsoft to close 'Halo Wars' studio (AP via Yahoo! News)

Mon, 15 Sep 2008 14:49:55 PDT
Real news from the virtual world:

FBI Crime Report: Violent Crime Drops Most in Areas With Les

Mon, 15 Sep 2008 16:22:42 PDT
With less incarceration. Granted it could be a minor trend, but let's hope not... FBI crime reports are cited with links.

Democratic Registration Soaring In NC

Mon, 15 Sep 2008 16:54:20 PDT
Since January 1, Democratic registration in the state grew by 181,000 while GOP numbers were up 25,000. That's a huge new edge. Advantage Democrats. See the numbers and trends.

HP to Layoff 24,000 Employees: Obama set to blame Bush & GOP

Mon, 15 Sep 2008 15:59:43 PDT
Hewlett-Packard (NYSE:HPQ) on Monday unveiled its integration plan for its acquisition of EDS (NYSE:EDS), and it spells bad news for almost 25,000 employees. Based on recent events and the political spin-meisters, it's only a matter of time before Barry Obama publicly states that Bush and GOP are to blame for the layoffs.

Lindsay Lohan pulls out the juggs for fashion week

Mon, 15 Sep 2008 14:11:52 PDT
Here are some shots of Lindsay Lohan at Fashion Week in New York with her juggs out on display for the fashion world to see.I believe this is Lindsay’s way of letting New York know that style’s and latest fashion trends need to involve more boobs or who is going to look at them/buy them? Can you argue?

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